Our History
Founding Pastor Rick Conley responded to God's call to ministry in the summer of 2001. At his first meeting with the state credentials board, he was encouraged to start a new church in Gallatin County. New Life Church of God began in January, 2002, with Sunday evening Bible studies in Pastor Rick's home. Shortly thereafter we began meeting at the Glencoe Masonic Lodge where we continued for 3 years. We moved into our current location in March 2005. We have seen many accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and are excited to see what God will accomplish through us in the future.
Our Purpose
We have a dual purpose of loving God and loving our neighbor. Jesus said that those two things sum up all the Law and the Prophets. Our theme is "Reaching Up and Reaching Out". We are called as James 1:27 says, "to visit orphans and widows in their trouble (loving our neighbor), and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (loving God)". We want to worship God in the beauty of holiness, but also to meet real needs in the community in which we live.
What do we teach about the Bible?
It is God's revelation of Himself and His perfect plan of salvation for everyone who believes. The 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament are inspired by God and they are our only rule of faith and practice. We have no formal creed but the Bible. We try to base our lives and teaching on the Scriptures.
What do we teach about Jesus Christ?
God has revealed himself in different ways, but most perfectly in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the son of God made flesh. He is the God-man, fully man, yet fully God. Jesus came from heaven to earth, lived a sinless life, and died on a cross to atone for our sins. He invites us all to repent from our sins, to leave them behind, and to accept His free offer of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.
What do we teach about the Holy Spirit?
God sent the Holy Spirit into the world to convince sinners they are lost but also to draw them to Christ as the only means to salvation. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. He reminds us of what Jesus taught us. Most importantly He empowers us to live holy, righteous lives so that we can be witnesses to the difference God can make in our lives. The Holy Spirit did not come to make us speak in unknown tongues but to speak clearly the truth of the gospel, both verbally and in action.
What about Christian unity?
Jesus prayed the night before He was crucified that all of His followers would be one - or have unity. We believe that God has only one church, not many. But that one church consists of every born-again Christian in the world regardless of denomination, race, or nationality. As one of our favorite hymns states, "we reach our hands in fellowship to every blood-washed one". We want to work with other churches in our area for the common cause of Christ, never against them. We have far more in common with each other than we have differences.
How can I become a member?
If you are a Christian, you are a member of the church of God. Simply begin worshiping with us, and you will be accepted. When you were saved, God added you to His church. The roll book is kept in heaven, and it's called "the Lamb's Book of Life". If your name is not there, it doesn't make any difference whether your name is written anywhere else.
If you are not a Christian, then you will want to confess your sins in prayer, ask God to forgive your sins, and invite Jesus Christ to come into your life as Savior and Lord. You may be able to do this alone, but many people have found that the assistance of a thoughtful and mature Christian is helpful at this time. When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior, you are born into the church, and you are a new creation in Christ (John 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
What are our services like?
Sunday School is a time for studying the Bible in a small group to learn how it applies to our daily lives. It gives opportunity to fellowship with and learn from each other on a more personal level than the worship service provides.
Sunday Worship is celebration of the whole church. We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses. There may be special music by a soloist or group. Someone may read a portion of scripture or give a personal testimony of God's blessings in their life. Prayer requests are received and earnest prayer is given for them. We have offering boxes to receive donations rather than passing a plate. The pastor or special speaker will preach a sermon intended to instruct, inspire, and encourage people to grow in their relationship to Christ. The worship service will close with an opportunity for people to pray for salvation, direction or healing.
Children's Church is for age 4 through 4th grade. The children are dismissed just before the sermon, and they participate in Bible lessons and activities more suited for their age.
A fully equipped nursery is available at all times.
We also regularly use our kitchen and fellowship hall for informal gatherings.
We invite you to worship with us!
Meet with us to praise the Lord; Meet with us to study God's word; meet with us to discover the abundant life that Jesus came to give; meet with us to pray; meet with us to serve hurt and bruised men and women. Meet with us to participate in a ministry of healing. Meet with us as we learn to make a difference in our community. Meet with us as we humbly try to be just members of the body of Christ-the Church of God. Meet with us soon-we would love to meet you.